Nos produits

Terms & Conditions
SALE Our prices are firm and nonrevisable. No deduction of the Purchaser on the invoiced full amount is acceptable without our agreement.

TIMES - The possible delays of delivery do not give the right to cancel the sale, to refuse products or to claim damage interests. A delivery partial of order does not make it possible to delay the regulation of the already delivered part. The remainders are then delivered as availabilities. In the event of major force, we are released from the obligation of delivery.

RETURN OF GOODS - No return of goods will be accepted without our prior consent.

RESPONSIBILITY - We do not ensure any responsibility for the consequential damages, such as expenses of labour or of displacement, penalties, storage costs, damage resulting from a delay or inexecution of an order, or an incident or damage caused by the marketed products. The Purchaser becomes responsible for the goods as of their material handing-over, the transfer of possession involving that of the risks.

ECO-TAXE - We transfer completely the amount of Eco participation in our suppliers concerned, in order to finance the collection and the processing waste. At the end of the lifetime product, our customers can bring it to a close waste collection centre, or, against the purchase of a new article are equivalent, make it begin again by the store salesman or bring it back to us to our warehouse of Longèves (85).

TRANSPORT - Our goods always travel to the risks and dangers of the Purchaser or the Recipient, whether the order is 'free' or in advanced port and invoicee. In the presence of the deliveryman, the Purchaser must control the good state of the delivery and if not, to immediately specify his observations on his good of transport (articles L 133-3 and following of the Commercial law), and to transmit it to us. The Purchaser must then control the conformity of each delivered article, in order to communicate any possible anomaly to us, in writing, in the 48 Hours after the reception of the goods.
Payment terms - Our usual conditions are: free of port as of 900 HT Net (except Corsica and DOM TOM), cash payment with the order for amount HT delivered Net lower than 600 , and if not: 30% of installment on the full amount including all taxes, the balance at 30 days.
Late penalties: 0,9% per month of delay as from the expiration date, calculated on the total sum remainder due. In the event of contentious continuation, the totality of the expenses being to the load of the failing purchaser, it will be required a provision of 500 at the beginning of the procedure.

CLAUSES OF RESERVE OF PROPERTY - Our goods remain our property until integral payment of their price (law n° 80-335 of May 12th, 1980). The transfer of the property of the sold goods is thus subordinated to their integral payment by the Purchaser.

ATTRIBUTION OF JURISDICTION - Any dispute relating to an order or its continuations, is competence of the Bankruptcy court of the Roche-sur-Yon (85).

SFPL - Rue d’Arcole - ZA du Verron - 85200 Longèves
02 28 13 02 46